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Image by American Public Power Associati

Renewable Energy

The amount of power from the sun that strikes the earth in a single hour is more than the entire world consumes in a year

Solar is the most abundant and least expensive renewable energy source available

Since 2014, the cost of solar panels has dropped nearly 50%

Solar installations have grown 20% year-over-year for 20 years

Toledo Solar

Eco Partner Solutions partners with Toledo Solar to provide customers with leading solar technology


Toledo Solar is the only Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) solar panel manufacturer for residential and commercial markets

Toledo Solar is 100% U.S. owned and operated 

Benefits of Cadmium Telluride Solar Panels

  • CdTe panels are more durable that silicon panels and also provide up to 10% more power output over a lifetime  

  • CdTe has a lower degradation rate and faster payback period then silicon panels

  • Greater temperature capacity than silicon  

  • Perform better in shaded environments and in hotter temperatures 

  • Made in America

Why Cadmium Telluride Solar Panels? 

  • 25 year panel lifespan and warranty

  • Power purchase agreement (PPA) financing available 

  • 16.5% panel factory gate efficiency 

  • 100% assembled in U.S.A. with American and South Korean components 

  • With solar, you reduce your environmental footprint by using clean energy while also saving money

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